Ph.D. students for Quantitative Methods in Design course requested a reprise visit after formal classes ended last week, to discuss with Professor Yi Heng CHENG, who has been travelling. Having experienced the intensive 3-week course, with two full days of group work preparing for presentation, students said they learned a lot, and actually asked Professor Susu Nousala if the session be longer. The formal course is only one step on the journey for graduate studies, ongoing conversations with the faculty can continue for a lifetime. (Tongji University College of Design and Innovation, Fuxin Road, Yangpu district, Shanghai, PR China) 20190402
- Author
- daviding
- Posted on
- Tuesday 2 April 2019
- Dimensions
- 3095*2321
- File
- DI_20190402_TongjiDI_PhD_QuantMethods.jpg
- Filesize
- 714 KB
- Albums
- Visits
- 4163