Peacocks spreading their plumage, turning front and back, in the orange garden of the 16th century hacienda. Came to see the largest collection of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo paintings in Mexico, recognized many shown in the 2002 biopic. Dolores Olmedo, a businesswoman patron to Rivera and Kahlo, donated her home and funds for continuing upkeep of a museum featuring the works of her friends. (Museo Dolores Olmedo, Xochimilco, Mexico City) 20191226
- Author
- daviding
- Created on
- Thursday 26 December 2019
- Posted on
- Thursday 26 December 2019
- Dimensions
- 2880*2880
- File
- IMG_1603.JPG
- Filesize
- 5728 KB
- Albums
- Visits
- 5733