August 31 will be the last day the ramp at Logan Avenue will be open. First opened in July 1966, this spur route was part of plan to connect to the Scarborough Expressway that was never built. In July 2015, Toronto City Council voted to not bring the junction of the Don Valley Parkway and Gardiner Expressway down to grade, in favour of a hybrid option continuing part of the elevated roadway. After 3 years, the drive west will be on Lakeshore Boulevard, for an onramp at Jarvis Street. (Gardiner Expressway East at Logan Avenue, East Harbour, Toronto, Ontario) 20210830
- Copyright
- Author
- daviding
- Created on
- Monday 30 August 2021
- Posted on
- Monday 30 August 2021
- Dimensions
- 3072*2304
- File
- IMG_0271.JPG
- Filesize
- 2238 KB
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- Visits
- 5151