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PLoP 2018

flickr-30617292377.jpg PLoP 2018الصور المصغرةPLoP 2018PLoP 2018الصور المصغرةPLoP 2018PLoP 2018الصور المصغرةPLoP 2018PLoP 2018الصور المصغرةPLoP 2018PLoP 2018الصور المصغرةPLoP 2018PLoP 2018الصور المصغرةPLoP 2018PLoP 2018الصور المصغرةPLoP 2018

Afternoon energizing dance led by @MaryLynnManns @PLoPCon to wake up attendees expending mental energy. Catering of snacks has been excellent, so opportunities to physically burn calories are welcomes. (Pattern Languages of Programs, University of Oregon, Couch Street NW, Portland, Oregon) 20181025