![On A line from northeast Denver near UC Anschutz campus to Union Station, on route to Boulder. Got a lift from hotel to train station. Woke up early, still in Eastern Time zone, also breathing harder due to higher altitude. (Central Park Station, Denver, Colorado) 20160724 flickr-28515177105.jpg](_data/i/upload/2018/11/03/20181103173118-196f2c8f-me.jpg)
On A line from northeast Denver near UC Anschutz campus to Union Station, on route to Boulder. Got a lift from hotel to train station. Woke up early, still in Eastern Time zone, also breathing harder due to higher altitude. (Central Park Station, Denver, Colorado) 20160724
- Author
- divirtual
- Created on
- Sunday 24 July 2016
- Posted on
- Sunday 24 July 2016
- Dimensions
- 2962*2264
- File
- flickr-28515177105.jpg
- Filesize
- 1111 KB
- Albums
- Visits
- 2886