Between Emmanuel College and Northrop Frye Hall, #MaryonKantaroff (1983) Anadyomene sculpture donated by Senator #NancyRuth in honour of the women who walk here. Crabgrass flourishing as university landscaping has been reduced both due to the pandemic and summer break. United Church theological school now federated with the University of Toronto in 1890, and moved to this location in 1892. (Victoria University, Queen's Park Crescent East, Toronto, Ontario) 20210803
- Copyright
- Author
- daviding
- Created on
- Tuesday 3 August 2021
- Posted on
- Tuesday 3 August 2021
- Dimensions
- 2304*2304
- File
- IMG_0226.JPG
- Filesize
- 2318 KB
- Albums
- Visits
- 4998