Kinetic #NickCave (2020) Spinner Garden @mcachicago retrospective exhibition forOTHERmore made from metallic garden ornaments suspended from ceiling, some motorized to slowly rotate. Galleries include Soundsuits, that we had previously viewed at Anderson Collection at Stanford U. in 2017. Tuesday evening music program in courtyard outside the building was so crowded, we opted to focus on visual arts. (Museum of Contemporary Art, E. Chicago Street, Chicago, Illinois) 20220712
- Copyright
- Author
- daviding
- Created on
- Tuesday 12 July 2022
- Posted on
- Tuesday 12 July 2022
- Dimensions
- 2740*3653
- File
- DI_20220712_McaChicago_SpinnerForest_1978.jpg
- Filesize
- 1632 KB
- Albums
- Visits
- 3259