In 1995, a clock found in disuse at Boqueria market was handed over to the museum. It was traced back to 1907, by the watchmaker of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Barcelona, Josep Besses. This was part of the temporary exhibition "Alimentar Barcelona. Ciutat, proveïment i salut" [Feed Barcelona. City, supply and health] on food security within the municipality and region. We preceded that show with a walk underground through the ruins of the old city governed by Rome from 10 BCE until the fall of the empire. (Museu d'Història de Barcelona, Plaça del Rei, Barcelona, Spain) 20221014
- Copyright
- Author
- daviding
- Created on
- Tuesday 4 October 2022
- Posted on
- Tuesday 4 October 2022
- Dimensions
- 2304*2304
- File
- IMG_2196.JPG
- Filesize
- 1676 KB
- Albums
- Visits
- 3198