After getting booster Covid-19 shots, DY strikes the manner legs pose popular in Korea, to lower herself into the frame of childrens' illustrations that must have been completed to pass the time up to the 15-minute wait for release. She mentioned to the nurse that her last shot hurt, and was given an ice pack to relieve symptoms. Late afternoon weekday visit, yet no wait, and the patient's option for either Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. (Thornecliffe Park Community Hub, Overlea Boulevard, East York, Ontario) 20230523
- Copyright
- Author
- daviding
- Created on
- Tuesday 23 May 2023
- Posted on
- Tuesday 23 May 2023
- Dimensions
- 3840*2880
- File
- IMG_2340.JPG
- Filesize
- 2832 KB
- Albums
- Visits
- 3015