In gallery opened in August 2022, Giorgio De Chiirico 1947 Le Muse Inquietanti (The Disquieting Muses) was a verifalsi (true fake) copying his own work in 1916. The original is in a collection of italian futurists in Milan. Allusion to the muses of tragedy and comedy, with industrial buildings in the background. (Staney Museum of Art, Burlington Street, Iowa City, Iowa) 20230818
- Copyright
- Author
- GiorgioDeChiirico 1947 LeMuseInquietanti 2469
- Created on
- Friday 18 August 2023
- Posted on
- Friday 18 August 2023
- Dimensions
- 2247*2996
- File
- DI_20230818_StanleyMuseum_GiorgioDeChiirico_1947_LeMuseInquietanti_2469.jpg
- Filesize
- 812 KB
- Albums
- Visits
- 3266